Puppy Toilet Training – Tips On How to Survive House Training Your Puppy! Puppy toilet training can be one of the most challenging parts of dog owning. However, with patience and [...]
Safe Ways to Dispose of Dog Waste. Not a very pleasant subject, but this does unfortunately come with the territory of dog owning. This Holidays 4 Dogs article will discuss dog fouling and [...]
When And How To Use A Dog Muzzle. Although, at first, a dog wearing a muzzle conjures up the idea of an uncontrollable, vicious animal – this is not always the case. Muzzles can be a [...]
Why Does My Dog Hate Walks? The majority of dogs are more than enthusiastic about daily walks with their family. However some dogs don’t always share the same zest for the great [...]
How Dog Walking Makes Us Feel Happy. Simply walking your dog can have psychological benefits and impact positively on our overall well-being – Read our Holidays4Dogs article to find out [...]
Eco-Friendly Dog Products. With more and more people becoming more aware of the effect of plastic and waste on the environment, Holidays4Dogs looks into eco-friendly dog products. Read on [...]
Keeping A Dog In A Flat – The Practicalities. If you live in a flat, or apartment and have a dog – (or are thinking of getting a dog ) – there are a lot of considerations [...]
Should You Train Your Dog? For many dog owners, training is a big part of daily lives with their pet. But – is it necessary? Should you train your dog, or just let your dog be a dog? [...]
Dog Ownership And Homelessness. Many people who find themselves homeless are also dog owners. Sadly, dog owning homeless people face unfair criticism for having a pet. Homelessness is a [...]
Which Dog Breeds Are Good With Children? If you are thinking of adding a dog to your family and you have little ones, you might be wondering which dog breeds are good with children. This [...]