My dog is not vaccinated out of choice or is Homeopathic treated, can they still be accepted to board?
Unfortunately due to new DEFRA legislation and licensing conditions of the Animal Welfare Regulations 2018 Holidays4Dogs are no longer able to accept dogs that are not vaccinated for a medical reason or personal informed choice . We are however able to accept Titre Tested dogs. Info on this can be found in this Holidays4Dogs article Please ask your vet.
We apologise to any of our clients with un-vaccinated dogs, your dog is no longer able to stay with one of our non-dog owning carers even though your dog will not be in direct contact with any other dogs other than any out walking (no more risk than if they were at home). If you are concerned please discuss with us by calling 0800 2300 266.
Information on Homeopathic treatment can be found on the British Homeopathic website however, homeopathic treated (un-vaccinated) dogs are not permitted to use home boarding or kennel services in the UK.