Choosing a Dog Trainer. At Holidays4Dogs we publish a lot of helpful articles on training and other dog related subjects. We often recommend the assistance of a good dog trainer to help [...]
Should You Kiss Your Dog? (Or, Let Them Kiss You!?) Lots of dog owners do it, (author included – blush). But, are there any health hazards to be aware of? In this Holidays4Dogs [...]
Dating for Dog Owners. It is well documented that people who walk dogs, are more inclined to chat to their fellow humans far more readily than those without a canine companion. Dogs play a [...]
Solving Counter Surfing. With Christmas just around the corner, there will soon be an abundance of delicious food and goodies. If you have a canine counter surfer in your midst, this might [...]
Canine Dew Claws – Useful Facts. The dewclaw on a dog is situated on the side of the foot where it doesn’t touch the ground. It is more common for dogs have dew claws on their front [...]
Doga – Yoga With Dogs. Holidays4Dogs has plenty of articles on activities you can do with your dog, but have you ever considered a joint yoga class with your pooch? Doga – or yoga with [...]
Impulse Control In Dogs. Resisting the temptation to do something which comes naturally, is not something dogs find terribly easy. While humans quickly learn the concepts of self control [...]