Don’t miss out! Join 25,000 other dog lovers on our Facebook page NOW. Holidays 4 Dogs is the fastest growing UK dog community and home boarding service.
”Established in 2006, Holidays 4 Dogs is a family owned business. We understand owners want the very best for their pet and pride ourselves on our excellent personal, friendly customer service and individual care” says Claire Rhodes owner of Holidays 4 Dogs. ”Through our network of approved UK carers, we are able to help owners choose a local and specifically matched carer who will look after their holiday guest just like they live at home. There will be no other strange dogs staying, there will be plenty of cuddles, experienced loving care, one to one attention and of course walks and playtime making every stay with Holidays 4 Dogs a holiday to remember”.
One long standing client since 2006 recently summarised the loving care her dogs have received and the Holidays 4 Dogs service;
”The heart of the business is so important . That really is where it all started. The love that you and your family have for the dogs in your care has set the standard for all of your carers, which is why Holidays 4 Dogs is so successful. My Lucy is in this photo. She was gorgeous but slightly nervous and very sensitive…bless her. You cared for her as though she were your own and cried along with us when she died. You still care for her life long companion Phoebs who is now 14. In spite of the problems that age has heaped upon her, the incontinence, deafness, spinal problems, millions of pills and never ending barking, you never hesitate to take her into your home at a moments notice. She requires three times as much work as any other dog as we are well aware. It is a true testimony to the very essence of Holidays 4 Dogs that you love her so unconditionally in our absence. It really has and does mean the world to us…so thank you xxxx”
We look forward to being of service to you and your dog, to meeting you on Facebook and to getting to know you.
Claire Rhodes – Director Holidays 4 Dogs