Do Dogs Need Jobs? In years gone by, dogs were frequently regarded as tools of a trade – often ’employed’ as herding, or guard dogs. In modern times, many more dogs are [...]
Dog Friendly Days Out – York. Out pets are so much more involved with our lives these days and many dog owners want to include their dogs on family days out. While we hear so much [...]
Why Dogs Sniff Other Dog’s Bums – (And Sometimes Ours!). While it may be a little embarrassing when your dog sniffs another dog’s nether regions ( or worse still, human [...]
Caring For Your Blind Dog. Dogs who are blind, or have impaired vision, can live equally fulfilling lives as dogs that can see – they just need a little more support and [...]
Mental Health In Dogs. It is well known that dogs can contribute to our well-being and happiness and, therefore, be instrumental in our own mental health. However, dogs too, can [...]
Why Does My Dog Get The ‘Zoomies’? If you have dogs, you will probably be familiar with that sudden burst of energy some pet dogs get – running around fast in circles, [...]
Are Dogs Evolving To Fit In With Human Social Life? In times gone by, dogs helped us hunt, guard livestock and protect dwellings. Nowadays, dogs are cherished members of the family and [...]
Dog Friendly Christmas Events 2024. Many of us will be anticipating getting into the Christmas spirit. It’s such a lovely time of the year to get together with family and friends and [...]
Everyone loves taking photos of their beloved dogs. Holidays4Dogs just love pictures of dogs and we have hundreds and hundreds of lovely photos of our own dogs, as well as clients ! Dogs are just [...]
Can Dogs Understand The Meaning Of Words? We know that animals have the capacity to understand some aspects of human language, because they are able to follow verbal cues. But, can dogs [...]