Human Foods Your Dog Can Safely Enjoy.
We all like to treat our dogs sometimes. However, there are so many things that are really not good for dogs such as, ice cream, or biscuits. But – there are plenty of safe and healthy human foods you can give to your dog as a treat, or add to his main meal. Here are a few ideas from Holidays4Dogs to spice up your dog’s dinners and give their health a boost.
Peas –
You can add thawed frozen peas to your dog’s diet and they are a great source of Vitamin B, Phosphorous and potassium. In hot weather, your dog may appreciate a few frozen peas too!
Pineapple –
This could be another great summer treat for dogs – frozen pineapple is just as refreshing for your dog too. Although it contains natural sugars, it also contains potassium and calcium.
Cottage Cheese –
A good source of protein for humans and dogs which is also rich in calcium. Start with a small amount, as some dogs don’t tolerate dairy foods.
Chopped parsley –
Many people believe that parsley can help with doggie bad breath and it is also a good source of beta-carotene as well as calcium and potassium. Chop a few tablespoons of parsley into your dog’s normal meal.
Liver –
Liver is rich in B vitamins as well as vitamin A, K and iron. However, because vitamin A can be toxic to dogs in large quantities, they should not eat too much of it.
1g of fresh liver per kg of body weight once, or twice, per week is fine. You can feed liver raw, or cook it and make lovely tasty training treats.
Yoghurt –
This is another human food which is an excellent source of calcium and digestive cultures – excellent for your pooch’s digestive health. Just make sure that the yoghurt you buy for your dog is natural, non-fat yoghurt, with no artificial flavourings, or sweeteners.
Eggs –
These can be fed either raw, boiled or scrambled. Not fried, though. Eggs can be given to your dogs raw and in the shells, as this provides the maximum amount of nutrients.
Tuna –
Fatty fish, such as tuna, is good for dogs as it is high in omega-3 fatty acids. This human food helps keep your dog fit on the inside, as well as the outside, by maintaining a glossy coat. Always feed cooked fish, never raw.
Oatmeal –
This is a good source of fibre for dogs and is far better than refined grains. It is excellent for dogs with digestive issues and good for dogs with allergies to wheat, which is often found in conventional dog foods. Cook oatmeal in the same way you would do for yourself. Just make sure it is cold before serving it to your dog, to avoid burnt mouths.
Seaweed –
Lots of dogs will help themselves to seaweed if they’re at the beach, so they may already know it’s a good food for them to eat! It’s an infrequently used human food, but it nevertheless a good source of nutrients. Seaweed is rich in vitamins C and E and a metabolism regulator too. You can buy seaweed powders made specifically for dogs from online health food stores.
Meat –
Dogs will always appreciate fresh meat in their diet.
Most large pet shop chains now sell raw meat in convenient packages. You can also buy raw meat on-line. Chicken, turkey and lean beef, are all fine for your dog to eat.
Always avoid fatty meat like pork, or bacon, though. Never give your dog cooked meat containing bones, as this can be very dangerous.
Likewise, processed meat such as burgers and sausages may contain high levels of salt and possibly onions, which are toxic to dogs. Therefore, you should refrain from giving your dog processed meats meant for human consumption.
Always add new foods – especially human foods – to your dog’s diet gradually and one at a time just in case he does get an upset tummy. None of these foods should upset your dog if you add them in small quantities to your dog’s diet. Some of these human foods may even encourage a picky eater to enjoy their meals. Your dog is bound to appreciate and enjoy trying some new foods which will provide him with lots of health benefits. and 4Dogs are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commission fees by advertising and linking to the following websites. Read our full disclosure agreement here