The Dog Crate Debate. There is much debate and controversy over crating dogs – and for good reason. The dog crate is one piece of equipment often inappropriately and over- used. [...]
5 Tips To Help Dogs Live Their Best Lives. Pretty much every pet parent, wants their four-legged companions to be happy and healthy. We try to make sure they have the best of everything [...]
Pet Funeral Services And Coping With Pet Loss. More and more people are turning to pet funeral services to help them cope with the loss of a dearly loved companion pet. Deciding what to [...]
Should We Bring Back Dog Licenses In The UK? It is estimated that there are 13.5 million dogs living in UK homes in 2024. With such a large population of pet dogs living in society, it is no [...]
Are You A Dog Bore? There’s plenty of information out there on how to be a good pet parent by ensuring your pooch isn’t bored out of his tiny mind. However, it’s all well and [...]
Tips For Running With Small Dogs. Jogging or running is a great activity to do with your dog as long as he is fit and healthy. The majority of breeds who run with their owners are medium, [...]
Allergic to Your Dog? – Tips to Control Symptoms It can be more than a little disappointing for people who love dogs, to discover they are allergic to them. However, it is possible for [...]
5 Myths About Guide Dogs. Guide dogs worldwide are specially trained to provide crucial assistance to people who have lost their sight. The first four guide dogs in Britain were trained in [...]
How Much Sleep Do Dogs Need? It may be surprising to learn that, our four legged companions tend to sleep a lot longer than you might think. However, rather than sleeping in long [...]
Onion Poisoning in Dogs. Onion poisoning in dogs can be quite serious, so it is important to make sure your dog never eats onions, or products containing onion. In this Holidays4Dogs [...]