Puppy Toilet Training – Tips On How to Survive House Training Your Puppy! Puppy toilet training can be one of the most challenging parts of dog owning. However, with patience and [...]
Why Does My Dog Get The ‘Zoomies’? If you have dogs, you will probably be familiar with that sudden burst of energy some pet dogs get – running around fast in circles, [...]
Should You Train Your Dog? For many dog owners, training is a big part of daily lives with their pet. But – is it necessary? Should you train your dog, or just let your dog be a dog? [...]
How Do I Stop My Dog From Biting the Lead? This is a common problem with puppies, but older dogs can also get into the habit of biting the lead when out for a walk. It’s a frustrating issue [...]
How Far Should You Walk A Puppy? Welcoming a new puppy into the household is an exciting time for families. Most new puppy owners will be champing at the bit to get out and walk their cute [...]
How Much Sleep Do Dogs Need? It may be surprising to learn that, our four legged companions tend to sleep a lot longer than you might think. However, rather than sleeping in long [...]
The Illegal Puppy Trade – What You Need To Know Before Buying A Puppy. Puppy farming has increased at alarming rates in the last ten years. Due to an increase in demand for puppies, [...]
Understanding Submissive Urination In Dogs. Although this condition is often associated with puppyhood, it is not uncommon to happen with older dogs too. This Holidays4Dogs article will provide [...]
Beagles – Do These Fun-Loving Hounds Make Good Pets? With their boundless energy and huge personalities, these are most definitely fun-loving hounds – but do they make [...]
House and Garden Plants Harmful to Dogs. This Holidays4Dogs article follows a request from one of our carers regarding house and garden plants harmful to dogs. Puppies, in particular, [...]