House and Garden Plants Harmful to Dogs. 


This Holidays4Dogs article follows a request from one of our carers regarding house and garden plants harmful to dogs. Puppies, in particular, will frequently attempt to eat anything. Even ingested in small quantities, some plants can cause quite nasty vomiting and upset stomachs in dogs. Some plants can be very harmful when consumed in large quantities and others can even be fatal.

Holidays4Dogs carers never leave dogs unattended in the garden and this should be the general rule of thumb for all dog owners, especially if you own a young dog or puppy.

Symptoms can occur if the dog chews just part of the plant. They can also be affected by rubbing against pollen, which they then subsequently lick from their fur. Sap from certain plants can also be harmful to dogs. If there are slugs present on plants and the dog ingests them, this can cause lungworm.

Symptoms which can be an indication of toxic poisoning are broad and can be mild to severe. They include;

Irritation of the mouth or skin.

Vomiting and or Diarrhoea.




Dilation of the pupils.

Pale gums.

Tremors or fits.


Rapid panting. 

If you suspect your dog has eaten something harmful and he is displaying any of the above symptoms you should seek veterinary attention immediately.

The following list includes some common plants toxic to dogs. The list is not exhaustive.

Some of the most common plants which can be toxic to dogs – plants marked with (f) can cause fatality;

African Violet, Amaryllis – bulbs in particular. (f), Arrow Grasses, Autumn Crocus, Azalea. (f), Baby’s Breath (Gypsophilia), Bluebell, Boxwood, Bracken, Broom, Buttercup, Caster Bean plant – and specifically the seeds.(f) Christmas Rose, Clematis, Cyclamen, Daffodil (bulbs in particular) (f), Deadly Nightshade, Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane), Dwarf Morning Glory, Elder, Elderberry, Elephant Ear. (f)

False Hellebore (leaves, seeds and roots), Flax, Foxglove, Geranium, Giant hogweed, Golden Chain (Laburnum), Hellebores, Heliotrope, Hemlock, Hibiscus, Holly (berries). Horse Chestnut, Hyacinth. Ivy. Jasmine.(f), Jimson Weed.(f), Juniper. Kale, Larkspur.(f), Lily of the Valley.

Mistletoe.(f), Mother-in-law’s Tongue. (f) Narcissus. (f), Nightshades.(f), Oleander.(f) Poison Hemlock.(f)Primrose, Privet. Ragwort.(f), Rosemary Pea, Rhododendron.(f). Sago Palm.(f), Spider Plant, Star of Bethlehem Plant, Sweet Pea, Swiss cheese Plant. Tiger Lily, Tomato Plant, Tulip. Umbrella Plant. Water Hemlock.(f), Weeping Fig, Wild Cherry.(f), Wisteria. Yew.(f) 

Please do not assume a plant is safe just because it is not listed here.

In addition to this, care should be taken with fruit and vegetables which can also be harmful to dogs.

These include;-

Apple (seeds), apricot (kernels), avocado (fruit and pith), cherry (kernels), may apples (fruit, roots and leaves), onion, peach (stone and leaves), potatoes (green skin and sprouts), raisins, rhubarb (leaves), tomato plant, (green tomatoes, stems and leaves).

Other substances in the garden to be aware of are cocoa husks or mulch, commonly used as a weed inhibitor. This can be toxic to dogs and symptoms will be similar to those associated with chocolate consumption.


Dogs are inquisitive animals by nature, therefore it is important to take care when purchasing new house plants and ideally keep them out of reach altogether.

Boredom can also be another reason for dogs chewing on plants, so provide suitable chew toys, especially for teething puppies.

If your dog constantly tries to eat plants or vegetation, try changing his diet to one higher in vegetable fibres. If you are concerned about your dog’s diet, or his foraging habits, always seek veterinary advice.