How to Settle an Adult Dog Rescue Dog Into Your Home. Over the past few years there has been a dramatic increase in adult dogs looking for new homes. If you are thinking of giving a home [...]
The Illegal Puppy Trade – What You Need To Know Before Buying A Puppy. Puppy farming has increased at alarming rates in the last ten years. Due to an increase in demand for puppies, [...]
What Is the Law On Puppy Breeding in the UK? In this article, Holidays4Dogs discusses the The Animal Welfare (licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 and outlines [...]
Animal Welfare Worldwide Studies regarding the impact of human development on non-human animals, in this case – dogs – are few and far between. This Holidays4Dogs article will [...]
Warnings and Tips For Buying Dogs On-line. In this Holidays4Dogs article we will look at the subject of buying dogs online and any pitfalls buyers should be aware of. There are many more [...]
Should You Consider An Imported Rescue Dog? Holidays4Dogs has written on the subject of imported rescue dogs in the past (2017). Recently, however, veterinary and welfare experts have been [...]
Dogs Die In Hot Cars – Rise in Temperatures Marks Rise in Numbers of Dogs Left in Hot Cars. Most people know that dogs die in hot cars. However, despite years of campaigns [...]
Is It Too Hard to Adopt A Dog From a Rescue Shelter? With so many abandoned dogs in the UK needing homes, there are plenty of campaigns which aim to encourage people to adopt a homeless [...]
Enrichment For Dogs – How to Create an Enriching Environment for Your Dog. Environmental enrichment in the lives our pet dogs is an important part of responsible ownership. The [...]
Home Alone Dogs. In times gone by, dogs spent most of their lives outdoors and thought of as tools of the trade for herding and hunting. Only now, in modern times, do dogs live indoors and [...]