An Unusual Dog Breed – The Pumi
In June 2016, the American Kennel Club recognised its 190th breed of dog – The pumi. In this Holidays4Dogs article, we look at some of the facts about this unusual dog breed.
Pumis are quite comical-looking dogs with elongated muzzles and fuzzy, floppy, ears that give them a teddy bear appearance. Pumis look more like terriers, than typical herding breeds.
The Pumi originates from Hungary and is a relative of the Hungarian Puli where, these days, they are fewer in number – being more popular in North America and Europe.
The original pumi was developed during the 1700’s as a herding dog. It is thought they have German and French prick-eared sheepdogs in their ancestry.
What are pumis like as pets?
These dogs are very characterful as pets but they may not be for the fainted-hearted. As a herder and hunter, they are energetic dogs with a wilful streak.
That said, they are intelligent too, so they are amenable to training and have a knack for understanding what you want fairly quickly.
Pumis are also affectionate dogs with their family, having cheerful, happy-go-lucky natures and a desire to join in with family activities.
Overall, the pumi is a healthy breed. However, before being bred from they should be tested for hip-dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, primary lens luxation and patella luxation.
Their fur is quite long and thick but tends not to form into cords like the puli. The coat is always a solid colour in shades of grey, reddish brown, or black. Coats are generally easy to keep clean, but they do need daily grooming to keep them clean and tangle-free.
The pumi is a medium-sized breed, but they do need a lot of exercise as well as mental stimulation. Having an incredible zest for life, they love ball or frisbee games and they excel in agility skills.
If you’re looking for a distinctive and unusual breed the pumi might just be the fellow for you. You can find out more from the Hungarian Pumi Club UK.
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