Should You Train Your Dog? For many dog owners, training is a big part of daily lives with their pet. But – is it necessary? Should you train your dog, or just let your dog be a dog? [...]
Dog Ownership And Homelessness. Many people who find themselves homeless are also dog owners. Sadly, dog owning homeless people face unfair criticism for having a pet. Homelessness is a [...]
Which Dog Breeds Are Good With Children? If you are thinking of adding a dog to your family and you have little ones, you might be wondering which dog breeds are good with children. This [...]
The French Bulldog. The French bulldog is currently a popular breed of dog in the UK and, its no wonder, as they are delightful little dogs that make excellent companions for families. In this [...]
Can Human Stress Levels Affect Dogs? As dog lovers, many of us may have noticed times when our furry companions seem to sense our moods. Dogs seem to be able to tell when we are happy and [...]
Are Dogs Evolving To Fit In With Human Social Life? In times gone by, dogs helped us hunt, guard livestock and protect dwellings. Nowadays, dogs are cherished members of the family and [...]
The Dog Crate Debate. There is much debate and controversy over crating dogs – and for good reason. The dog crate is one piece of equipment often inappropriately and over- used. [...]