How Long is the Memory Span of Dogs?


Sometimes I wonder if Floss the collie has the memory span of a goldfish and the attention span of a gnat! But, it did get me thinking the other day – just how long do dogs remember things for? Holidays4Dogs investigates.

When we talk about memory with any species, we need to consider long-term and short-term memory. Short-term memory in humans is, in fact, surprisingly short – just as it is in many other animals. The function of the brain which stores short-term memory, can only deal with around seven items and only hold those memories for only a few seconds.

Studies suggest that dogs have an average short-term memory span of around 27 seconds.

However, people are adept at memorizing more things than others, because they use tricks to help them.

For example, this may involve putting information into stories, as a way of recalling key points. This is something dogs cannot do, however.

Episodic memory

Experiments by behavioural scientists suggest that dogs cannot remember much about specific events. In other words, they are unable to travel mentally back and forth in time, as human beings can do.

Also, experts don’t think that dogs possess episodic memory – an ability to retain the memory of events over long periods. Humans are unique in their ability to remember casual events, as well as being capable of reflexive thought.

This is not to say, however, that dogs cannot remember things over periods, because their brain does retain specific information which might help them to survive – such as where they buried a bone. However, experts believe they are not utilizing episodic memory, but associative memory.

Associative memory

Like humans, associative memory in dogs helps them to remember things for longer. Dogs readily associate an event, or occurrence, with what they see, smell, or hear at the time.

For example, if you pick up the coat you always go walking in, your dog will quite likely jump up in anticipation of an outing.

Dogs are very well attuned to every little thing that their owners do. Dogs are very skilled at noticing nuances of human behaviour.

However, if there is nothing for them to associate with, they will readily forget what has happened.

This is why it is unfair to punish a dog for soiling in the house while left alone because he will have no idea why he is being punished.


When it comes to long-term memory, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence of dogs making long journeys to return to a previous owner, for example. However, more research is needed to understand long-term memory in the canine species.

While we do not completely understand how dog’s brains work in terms of memory – they certainly have a very real way of leaving wonderful, lasting memories for those around them.