Separation Anxiety In Dogs. The term separation anxiety is often overused, or misdiagnosed. In its true form, it can be a serious condition and needs to be properly diagnosed by a canine [...]
Puppy Toilet Training – Tips On How to Survive House Training Your Puppy! Puppy toilet training can be one of the most challenging parts of dog owning. However, with patience and [...]
Why Does My Dog Hate Walks? The majority of dogs are more than enthusiastic about daily walks with their family. However some dogs don’t always share the same zest for the great [...]
Mental Health In Dogs. It is well known that dogs can contribute to our well-being and happiness and, therefore, be instrumental in our own mental health. However, dogs too, can [...]
Why Does My Dog Get The ‘Zoomies’? If you have dogs, you will probably be familiar with that sudden burst of energy some pet dogs get – running around fast in circles, [...]
Should You Train Your Dog? For many dog owners, training is a big part of daily lives with their pet. But – is it necessary? Should you train your dog, or just let your dog be a dog? [...]
Can Human Stress Levels Affect Dogs? As dog lovers, many of us may have noticed times when our furry companions seem to sense our moods. Dogs seem to be able to tell when we are happy and [...]
The Dog Crate Debate. There is much debate and controversy over crating dogs – and for good reason. The dog crate is one piece of equipment often inappropriately and over- used. [...]
Getting Your Dog Used To Car Travel. Car travel is essential for most dogs, but they can become anxious about travelling in a vehicle and some find it stressful being in a moving car. For hints [...]
Pet Shock Collars – Are They Banned? It seems incredulous to think that the UK has still not imposed a ban on these devices used to train animals – namely pet dogs. Proposed [...]