Would You Be A Dog If You Could? Sometimes, it can seem so difficult being human – all that worrying, regretting and being way too hard on ourselves. Wouldn’t it be just nice [...]
Why Belgian Malinois Dogs DON’T Make Good Pets. In recent years, there has been a surge in people buying Belgian Malinois as pets. However, this breed of dog, isn’t for the [...]
Pet Shock Collars – Are They Banned? It seems incredulous to think that the UK has still not imposed a ban on these devices used to train animals – namely pet dogs. Proposed [...]
Should You Play Tug Games With Your Dog? There was a time when dog trainers suggested that playing tug games with your dog wasn’t a good idea. Many believe playing tug-o-war with dogs, may [...]
Should My Dog Sleep On The Bed? There are many pro’s and con’s as to whether dogs should share the bed with us. Many people enjoy the comfort of having a pet on the bed at [...]
Should We Bring Back Dog Licenses In The UK? It is estimated that there are 13.5 million dogs living in UK homes in 2024. With such a large population of pet dogs living in society, it is no [...]
How to Settle an Adult Dog Rescue Dog Into Your Home. Over the past few years there has been a dramatic increase in adult dogs looking for new homes. If you are thinking of giving a home [...]
Does Your Dog Match Your Personality? Though most dog enthusiasts will say they just love any type of dog – we all secretly have our favourites. Even our Holidays4Dogs [...]
Neospora Caninum and Risks to Cattle. In this article, Holidays4Dogs discusses Neospora Caninum – a disease found worldwide. Neospora lives in cattle and dogs, but only reproduces in [...]
Humping Behaviour in Dogs. Despite the embarrassment it can cause owners, humping in dogs is a normal behaviour. While it is common for male dogs to display this behaviour, females can do [...]