Pet Funeral Services And Coping With Pet Loss. More and more people are turning to pet funeral services to help them cope with the loss of a dearly loved companion pet. Deciding what to [...]
Would You Be A Dog If You Could? Sometimes, it can seem so difficult being human – all that worrying, regretting and being way too hard on ourselves. Wouldn’t it be just nice [...]
Pet Shock Collars – Are They Banned? It seems incredulous to think that the UK has still not imposed a ban on these devices used to train animals – namely pet dogs. Proposed [...]
Should My Dog Sleep On The Bed? There are many pro’s and con’s as to whether dogs should share the bed with us. Many people enjoy the comfort of having a pet on the bed at [...]
Does Your Dog Have a Facebook Profile? Dog profiles on Facebook have become incredibly popular. There many pets, including some belonging to the rich and famous, who have their own [...]
Should I Leave My Dog Alone Outside? Many dog owners might think their dogs are fine spending time outside in the garden by themselves. But is this really true? If you have ever wondered [...]
Visit Holidays4Dogs on Pinterest Discover Holidays4Dogs on Pinterest cute pups, dogs on holiday, creative ideas for dogs, dog health issues, cool dogs, everything about dogs and more! Visit our [...]
Don’t miss out! Join 25,000 other dog lovers on our Facebook page NOW. Holidays 4 Dogs is the fastest growing UK dog community and home boarding service. ”Established in 2006, [...]
News Flash! Holidays 4 Dogs Facebook has hit 10,000 likes! Not bad in 3 months! Catch up with the latest news, doggie pictures and message us your own dog pictures….. Like us on Facebook