Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs

Halloween is the night when many of us will have a steady stream of callers to the house in weird and wacky costumes. We may have ghoulish decorations up and pumpkins grimacing along the window sill with flickering candles.

Halloween is a lot of fun for children and adults alike. However, for our pets – like firework night – Halloween can often cause panic and stress. Try to make sure your dog has had his daily walk, well before darkness falls and festivities begin.

Some dogs will get overexcited by evenings of constant door knocking. Therefore, this isn’t a good time to begin training a door-reactive dog. A better idea is to find a quiet spot for your dog and provide him with a Kong, or other suitable distraction toy.

Dogs can even become fearful of people they know, if they are dressed in unusual clothing and masks.

While some confident dogs will be fine joining in with the festivities, it is a good idea to watch out they don’t get hold of any sweets, or chocolate. Chocolate, in particular, can be very harmful to dogs.

Equally, some dogs will be placid enough, to allow you to dress them up.

Others, may not be so easy going, so don’t force your dog to suffer this indignity if it is clear he doesn’t want to.

It might also be an idea to keep your dog indoors for the evening. You never know whether your dog might be the object of mischief.

Have a great evening – but do consider that your dog may prefer to sit this one out.



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