Why Do Some Dogs Become Attached to Just One Person?


It is quite common for pet dogs to become attached to just one person. This is usually within a household but, occasionally, the family dog may appear to prefer the dog walker, or the neighbour who offers treats. In this article, Holidays4Dogs takes a look at why some dogs only have eyes for one person.

Most pet pooches are happy to be friends with a variety of people. Humans have had an important and mutual emotional bond with the canine species for hundreds of years. Sometimes, however, certain individual dogs prefer the company of just one person.

The human-canine bond.

Puppies, in particular, will tend to bond with the person who offers them the most attention and provides them with food and daily care. Adult rescue dogs can also choose to spend more time with one person, over another.

Certain breeds, such as German Shepherds and chow chows often gravitate towards a single person. Similarly, there are lots of dog breeds that are often regarded as more independent than othersforce free training. Whereas others, like Labradors, for instance, will be big buddies with everyone they meet!

For the most part, a dog who favours one individual in the family, isn’t really a problem. However, there might be some members of the household who feel disappointed the family pooch doesn’t appear to like them.

In addition, if he, or she, becomes over-attached to someone, this can cause issues when that person has to go out.

The situation can be even more problematic if the dog refuses to take instructions from anyone else.

Dogs can sometimes bond with a person who isn’t their primary carer, although this tends to be a rarer situation.

Generally speaking, dogs will form a strong attachment to people who offer them the most affection, time and attention. This can be in the form of interactive walks, training, or simply sleeping on the settee together.

If you want to encourage your four-legged pal to be more sociable with all members of the family, try these tips;-

Hints and tips to help your dog to become more sociable with all family members.

Share the care – all family members can take it in turns to feed, water and walk the dog. For dogs disinterested in certain family members, hand feeding can go a long way to creating a connection.

Training. All family members should spend some time training the family dog. Incorporate lots of tasty treats along the way.

Positive associations. If your canine pal seems particularly un-fussed about one member of the family – but loves a particular toy – make sure that person is the only one who plays with the dog and his special toy.

Learn a new skill. Fun agility, or cani-cross are great activities for bonding with your dog. Almost anyone in the family can have a go.

dog sitting, pet sitting

One of our lovely Holidays4Dogs carers with Buster.

It can be a bit of a disappointment if the family pet appears to snub you! However, the above tips should help to balance the love and encourage your dog to widen his friends’ circle.

If you feel your pup is overly attached to one person and becomes distressed without them, you may need to seek help from a trainer, or behaviourist.

Most, however, can learn to adapt to different members of the household being their caregivers. Indeed, most dogs are happy to be with whoever is prepared to give them love and affection at the time.

If your dog has ever stayed with one of our lovely Holidays4Dogs carers, you will know how this works!

Whether your dog is a one-person kind of fellow, or a social butterfly, one thing is certain – we are lucky to have the affection of such a unique and special animal.