Dog Friendly Christmas Events 2024. Many of us will be anticipating getting into the Christmas spirit. It’s such a lovely time of the year to get together with family and friends and [...]
Do Huskies Make Good Pets? The husky is a striking breed and much admired by dog lovers worldwide, but while they may look soft and cuddly, they can be quite a demanding breed. With the [...]
Should I Let My Dog Swim in the Winter? Dogs are full of fun and energy, no matter what time of year it is. Even during a winter visit to a beach, or lake – many a hardy pooch [...]
The Dangers Of Antifreeze To Pets and Wildlife. While it is lovely to experience some crisp, winter days – there is one thing pet owners need to be very aware of – Antifreeze. It’s a [...]
Christmas Dinner Recipes for Dogs Everyone likes to indulge in some tasty goodies over the festive period and our dogs are no exception. Christmas is the best time of year to treat yourself and [...]
Canine Skin and Coat Care. The bitter winter weather is almost upon us and, while it can be a refreshing change of season for humans and dogs alike, it can have an impact on canine health. [...]
Kennel Cough. This Holidays 4 Dogs article will look at one of the most infectious diseases in dogs – Kennel Cough. It is generally prevalent where dogs gather in large numbers, such as Boarding [...]
Why is My Dog’s Nose Dry? There is a myth when it comes to dog’s noses which says that, if a dogs nose is nice and moist, it’s a sign he’s in good health but if it’s dry – it may [...]