Do Huskies Make Good Pets?


The husky is a striking breed and much admired by dog lovers worldwide, but while they may look soft and cuddly, they can be quite a demanding breed. With the right environment and upbringing, huskies make excellent pets. However, Holidays4Dogs offers a few things to think about before rushing out to purchase a husky puppy. Read on to find out whether huskies make good pets?

Unfortunately, television shows such as ‘Game of Thrones’ have popularised the husky. As a result, many more people have been encouraged to own one. In April this year, the Blue Cross reported that the number of abandoned huskies had been steadily rising over the past few years.

Sadly, people buy husky puppies without realising the commitment required in owning one. Huskies are strikingly beautiful animals, but as pets, they can also be independent and challenging – particularly for first-time dog owners. Here are a few things to consider before getting a husky.

High energy levels.

All dogs need daily exercise,do huskies make good pets but huskies are bred to pull sleds over long distances. As such, their energy levels in a pet environment can be through the roof.

As sled dogs, they are capable of running hundreds of miles over rough terrain. Therefore, a half-hour walk around the block might not cut it for huskies in pet homes.

Once fully grown, an adult husky requires at least two hours of exercise. Without this, owners may very well find they have a bored and frustrated dog on their hands.

This can lead to undesirable behaviours such as barking, howling, destructiveness within the home and general exuberance.

However, huskies make excellent companions for biking, (bikejoring) or, cani-cross and all of these activities can be done with the dog on the lead. If you are athletic yourself and already enjoy these activities, a husky would be an ideal companion and pet.

Active minds.

Northern Inuit breeds, like huskies, thrive on the company of other dogs. They have been bred to work in packs and they can be miserable, (and destructive), if left alone for long periods.

They need a lot of socialisation and an active life to thrive. If your time is limited, a husky may not be the right choice of pet for you.

They love to run and chase.

Huskies have a powerful predatory drive and, therefore, can be unpredictable off the lead. Many huskies have to stay on the lead for most, if not all, of the time.

Their innate desire to run, along with a high prey drive, means many owners are not confident in allowing their dogs off-lead.

There are always exceptions to the rule, but generally speaking, it allows for much more training and more time on lead.

The Houdini of the dog world.

Another consideration with huskies as pets, is they are excellent escape artists and need a secure garden with suitably high fencing.

They can climb and dig with ease. If fencing is not secure enough and they spot the neighbour’s cat, they could be away in the blink of an eye. If they have also not had enough exercise, this could become a persistent problem.

They shed fur….a lot of fur!

Lastly, while huskies look cute and fluffy they shed enough hair to knit another dog with! They need daily attention with regard to grooming. You may need to invest in a super-efficient vacuum cleaner too – see our other Holidays4Dogs article for recommendations.  The only upside is some owners say the thick arctic fur of the husky carries less of a doggy odour than other breeds.


There is no doubt that huskies are stunning creatures and probably one of the world’s most well-loved domesticated dog breeds that still retain some characteristics of their ancient ancestors. If you have oodles of time, patience and a very active lifestyle – a husky could be just the ticket.

However, it’s important to be honest about this – otherwise, you may just regret buying a husky pup who turns into a non-stop running, hair-shedding, howling, machine.